Herman takes the center of the cage with Simpson circling as the fighters trade punches. Simpson shoots and missed, but Herman still ends up on his back after trying to sprawl. The fighters scramble and Simpson slams Herman to the mat. Simpson is standing over Herman looking for openings to strike, and Herman can't get to his feet. Simpson is kicking his legs and striking the downed Herman. Herman shoves Simpson with his legs and gets back to his feet. Simpson drops Herman with an overhand right and follows him to the mat looking for the finish. Though he lands some good shots, Herman is game and stalls his attack. Herman gets back to his feet again but is sent back to the floor by another Simpson takedown. Simpson gets some ground-and-pound going as the round comes to a close. Herman limps back to his corner favoring his left leg.
Round 2
Simpson light on his feet as the second open. Herman throws a kick to the body, but Simpson catches it and throws him to the ground. Herman immediately rolls into a fetal position, clinching his left knee. Referee Yves Lavigne quickly halts the bout. Replays show Herman's left knee buckle as Simpson was throwing him to the mat.
Aaron Simpson def. Ed Herman via TKO at :17 in Round 2