Munoz clinches right off the bat but Catone pushes him up against the cage and lands a nice combination that stuns Munoz. Munoz shoots and looks to have the takedown but Catone scrambles back to his feet almost immediately. Munoz with a good knee from the clinch along the cage. Munoz lands an inadvertent low blow while attempting an inside leg kick. Catone is given time to recover and after a minute or so is ready to go. Catone gets a takedown off the restart and winds up in side-control. He knees to the body of Munoz who attempts to wriggle free. Munoz slips out the back door and pounds a pair of big rights to Catone's head. Catone gets to his feet but is slammed back to the mat from a rear body-lock. Catone gets back to his feet once again. Munoz ducks under for a quick double but gives up on it and the fighters clinch. Munoz lands a nice knee before being tripped to the mat as the horn sounds to end the first round. Good stuff from both guys - Catone edges it out with some more accurate striking and solid ground work.
Round 2
Catone his another takedown about 30 seconds into the second frame. He quickly moves to North-South and then tries to take Munoz back as he stands. Munoz escapes to his feet and pushes Catone against the cage. He gets a body-lock and repeatedly tries to sink Catone to the mat. Catone has none of it, working his way clear of Munoz grasp. Catone stuns Munoz with big right but the former Oklahoma State wrestler shakes it off. Munoz clinches up along the cage once again but he is having problems keeping Catone under control. Catone's right hand finds its mark once again but Munoz keeps moving forward. The round closes with Munoz searching for a guillotine choke but Catone keeps him at bay until the round comes to a close. Exciting fight so far - good back and forth action. Catone's speed advantage is evident though and it's given him the lead.
Round 3
Munoz is attacking to start the third. He pushes forward, throwing a combination that sets up a shot. Caton is showing good takedown defense, defends the single-leg but finds himself on the end of a pair of Munoz rights. Munoz, showing a sense of urgency that was not there in the first two rounds, wades in throwing punches. Munoz shoots and gets stuffed again. He pulls guard and sinks a guillotine, but Catone defends. Catone goes for a toe hold, but Munoz defends and takes the top position. Catone escapes to his feet and hits a double of his own. He takes Munoz's back, but he quickly sweeps to top position where he punches to the head of Catone. The fighters scramble for the final 20 seconds with neither getting the upper hand.
Mark Munoz wins by split decision - 30-27, 29-28, and 28-29